First snow of the season! **<-- snowflakes

10-30-2020 (the day before halloween… but it feels like christmas)

Today I went outside three times!

Savannah scared me awake this morning because it was snowing. ❄️ We had originally planned to wake up at 8am because that’s when it was supposed to start snowing. LOL. That did not happen!! We slept through all of our combined 8 alarms :). Savannah said her phone even ended up on the floor. Luckily she awoke (probs due to a spiritual connection with nature itself) and charged towards my bad yelling at a very high volume and we were up and out the door at 10:45am, with a mere 15 minutes remaining to enjoy the fresh snow fall before our classes started.

Here is a detailed documentation of everything we achieved today:

10:45am – Went outside to explore the snow!!

10:45am went outside to rejoice in the snow!

we hazarded the blowing winds and went to dunkin donuts

the snow was very cold

11am we had class TT

2:50pm decided we (I) needed boba!!

we were a few minutes late to chinese class but it’s ok 🙂 that’s called work life balance

3pm 上课了!我们讲了我们自己写的故事。太好玩了!我们笑得哭了!阿哈哈哈

4pm we watched bojack horseman. even tho the animals are very ugly it’s very… deep

6pm I VOTED 🇺🇸

7pm we watched the RBG movie called “on the basis of sex” and were so inspired!!!!! we cried a lot and I’ve never been happier to have been born in this millenia :’)

11pm now we are becoming webmasters of our own blogs. except for savannah’s blog is broken so stay tuned for that


EMILY <3 <3

bonus content!! my urop mentor sent me some snacks for our inflatables project, and per how he addressed the package, my name is now emily cheeto han